Editable Calculator Free

4.0 ( 9950 ratings )
Бізнесс Утіліти
Розробник: shogo kosuda

It is a calculator.
The last input can be canceled by a BS key.
The inputted key operation is displayed on text area.
The part mistaken since text area was edited can be corrected.
A decimal point will be able to input two or more times on account of specification, a character will be able to be inputted, or a operator will be able to be inputted in succession.
If the tap of the equal sign is carried out in the above-mentioned state, it will be displayed as an error. sorry.
A history is saved.
A formula is called from a history and a reorganization collection is made.
They are the free version (those with advertising, three histories), and the charged version (advertising nothing one, 20 histories).
It is a function system calculator (this application is set to 1+2*3=7 although a clerical work calculator is set to 1+2*3=9).
() Since an input is also possible, the form of *(1+2)3=9 is possible.
Let the button from which not a tap start but the finger was lifted be an input value (based on an iPhone standard calculator).
It does not become e+ notation (with an iPhone standard calculator, if there are many beams, it will be e+ notation).
Reset is possible in a shake.
result can be copied to a clipboard.
The color of a button can be chosen from black or red.
There is a function to read out(English/Japanese) a result.